Provided by Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva | Arizona District 7
Have you heard about upcoming changes to Medicaid or the “Medicaid Unwinding” and wonder how this impacts you? Use the guidance below to learn more about the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Medicaid unwinding plan.
At the start of the pandemic, Congress enacted a law which required Medicaid and KidsCare programs to keep people continuously enrolled through the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). Congress has now ended this requirement, meaning states can disenroll individuals that no longer meet Medicaid eligibility requirements. Arizona has begun this “unwinding” process of determining who is still eligible for Medicaid and KidsCare.
What’s Happening Now?
Starting April 1, 2023, AHCCCS will begin disenrolling members who no longer meet Medicaid or KidsCare eligibility requirements. This process will take 12 months. Here’s what will happen:
- During renewal, AHCCCS will attempt to determine eligibility automatically. They believe approximately 75% of eligibility determinations can be completed automatically and members will not need to take any action.
- If their eligibility is continued, they will receive a summary letter that says, “If the information on the summary is correct, you do not need to do anything. You do not need to call or contact AHCCCS.”
- If eligibility cannot be automatically continued, they will receive a written request from AHCCCS for more information. They must respond within 30 days.
- AHCCCS cannot disenroll a member whose mail is returned undeliverable until making other good-faith attempts to contact the member.
Immigrants who are “qualified non-citizens” are generally eligible for coverage through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), if they meet their state’s income and residency rules. Applying for or receiving Medicaid or CHIP benefits, doesn't make someone a "public charge". This means it won’t affect their chances of becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident or U.S. citizen. Find more information here.
Members who are no longer eligible for Medicaid will be referred to the Healthcare Marketplace and other sources for coverage options (see
What Can Members Do to Prepare?
- Make sure your mailing address, phone number, and email address is correct. Login to, or call Health-e-Arizona Plus at 1-855-HEA-PLUS (1-855-432-7587), Monday through Friday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm.
- Check your mailbox for a letter from AHCCCS about renewal of coverage. The envelope will look like this:

- Respond to any requests from AHCCCS for more information so the agency can accurately determine your eligibility.
- Sign up for texts or emails from AHCCCS about your renewal. Login to (or create) your Health-e-Arizona Plus account.
- Watch Out for Fraud! AHCCCS will never ask you to pay money to renew your AHCCCS or KidsCare coverage.
Where Can I Go for More Information?
More information on AHCCCS’s Medicaid unwinding plan, along with frequently asked questions can be found at HERE.
General Medicaid Eligibility Information can be found HERE.